Yoga by Zofia
Use these interactive yoga guides by Zofia Karubin, to improve your surfing while toning and strengthening your body.

Standing Wheel Pose
"Standing Wheel Pose" an essential tool in your pre-surf toolbox.
Join certified yoga instructor, Zofia Karubin, as she shares her "Happy Heart Yoga" with you. A surfer herself, she understands and therefore targeting the tight areas we all suffer from as surfers. Incorporate this valuable pose into your pre-surf stretching routine for increased flexibility.

Laughing with the Crow
"The crow pose makes me laugh every time I practice it, and it’s a very healing pose for your spine, all the way down to your tail bone because it invigorates the abs and back muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Balancing yoga poses work on a mental level by clearing the mind and boosting the power of concentration. Yoga poses also stimulate the glands that balance hormone levels which makes us much happier."

Spread Your Wings Yoga
View this yoga guide HERE
Surfing and paddling develops the lats–latissimus dorsi muscles in the back, also known as “wings”. The wings, as well as all the other beautiful muscles that get worked out when you are surfing, exercising, and having fun, need to be stretched out before and after exertion to improve circulation, prevent any issues, and to keep the whole body in
good shape.

Wild Thing Yoga
Surfing and Yoga is a journey and adventure where we can discover
where the wilds things are within and without.
We build strength and flexibility in every pose, in every surf session.
We can face our life and challenges more peacefully and compassionately by staying centered, balanced, and connected to nature, to our hearts, and the true nature of our Spirit because Spirit and Nature are dancing together.

Yoga On The Dunes
These yoga poses are great for warming up before going out surfing,
because they help increase strength and flexibility in your body, mind and spirit.

Tip Toes Yoga
Make life fun, make yoga fun, and enjoy something that will improve your health, well being, and surfing style.

Fly Like an Eagle Yoga
This yoga pose brings the energy of the eagle and its powerful focus into our bodies and minds. Their graceful flight reminds us to fly high like the eagles and rise above all our worries and troubles. Getting a perspective from a high vantage point is important when making decisions and overcoming challenges. Yoga, just like surfing, gives us a chance to breathe, to become more aware of the present moment, and to connect to our inner wisdom.

Surfrider Yoga
This powerful pose is also known as the Chair Pose because it’s like sitting back into a chair that isn’t there.

Dancing on the Lake Yoga
Life is a dance, and when we are focused and peaceful within, then it’s much easier to glide through all of the challenges we face each day. Yoga is all about improving our lives on all levels; and the Dancing Shiva pose helps us to keep the inner peace and balance, so that we may dance through life, and enjoy each day, and keep our body, mind, and soul ready for the next wave of adventure.

Night Time Yoga
Yoga can be done at anytime and it’s especially good to do yoga poses before bed, because it will help you fall asleep and get a good night’s rest. When you do yoga, your body has a chance to release stress, toxins, and tension. Sometimes we have so much stress in our lives that it’s hard to fall asleep because our mind is restless and our breath is shallow. By doing a few simple poses we’re able to calm the mind, relax the body, and deepen the breath.

Yoga on the GO!
Do you know what to do when you’re traveling: near or far, in a car, on a train, or on a plane? Buckle up and do some yoga on the go!
Whether you’re going to your local surf break, on a long adventure, or to a far away land, you can get there feeling good by doing some fun and easy yoga techniques that will soothe your body, mind, and spirit.

Beach Blanket Yoga
Grab a blanket, a towel, or anything at all ... and do some invigorating yoga poses that will help build strength, endurance, flexibility, and focus, so you can have more fun surfing and catch more waves.

Rise & Shine Yoga
Wake up your body and mind in the morning by doing these Yoga poses. You'll feel refreshed, revitalized, focused, aware, energized and relaxed, as well as feeling stronger, more confident, and peaceful. Your self-esteem and concentration will improve and you'll reconnect with your spirit.

Your Life
The tree pose is excellent in helping us focus the mind, get centered, regain balance in our energy and in our life.

Break Time Yoga
Give yourself a break, anytime, anywhere. Keep your body fit, strong, relaxed and ready to take on some waves at a moments notice.