In publication for 18 years, WSSM is the longest running womens surf magazine in history... and the #1 womens surf magazine in the USA. Available in HIGH gloss print by SUBSCRIPTION, at select national bookstores, and surf shops nationwide and internationally in the USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
We are one of the few publications that offer our readers the opportunity to read each issue online for FREE, plus previous issues, so they can enjoy WSSM no matter where they are in the world.

To provide you and women around the world, with a high quality surf publication- JUST FOR YOU- that enhances your mind, body and spirit, making you feel refreshed and positive when you read it.
We want you to be inspired by the women you read about, informed about products, services and companies that will enhance the flow of your daily life, and encourage you to get out there and surf… Which is what WSSM is all about; enjoying the beautiful surf, regardless of your surfing abilities.
Look closely... you’ll see that WSSM is not a men’s surf magazine masquerading as a women’s mag. WSSM is written by women- for women, as we explore our side of the industry- at our own pace, and with an eclectic mix of women’s interests (health, beauty, fitness, surf travel, self improvement, etc.) thrown in, just for fun.
We believe that today's surfing woman has a lot more on her mind and plate than just the ever-consuming surf session.
Therefore, we’ve included all the other little things that make us uniquely female, and mixed it in with one of our favorite pastimes- Surfing!

Surfing has changed the lives of tens of thousands of women in the last decade, and the numbers will continue to grow. WSSM is for these women; women of all surfing levels.
For the NON-surfer that dreams of uncrowded beaches and perfect waves while dressed in the latest surf fashions that capture the essence of freedom she craves in her land-locked apartment. She is a consumer of the “surfer lifestyle” and WSSM vividly brings this to life.
For the beginner surfer that needs encouragement, support, quality guidance and surf information she won’t find in other “pro” magazines.
For the intermediate surfer that enjoys the photos and stories of others her age and ability, surfing waves SHE surfs also, at her home breaks.
For the veteran surfer: a woman surfing for many years that is stoked to see her surfing achievements and lifestyle recognized.
We believe that if it is to continue to grow, the women’s surf industry must appeal to women of ALL levels of surfing, in ALL walks of life, that share the common bond and stoke of catching a beautiful wave.